Peace Squad Goes .99¢ is a holiday show you MUST attend. It's difficult for me to summarize so I've copied this directly from the website.
This year's Holiday Operetta features Peace Squad “The Boy Band” and their Mothers, who come back from spreading peace in Korea to save the 99¢OnlyVillage from the misguided Hollow Mirror Man and his Malls.
Here's what I can explain, all of the costumes were made directly from items purchased from .99¢ Only stores. It is such a visually stunning display that after the show I immediately went up and fondled all of the actors costumes.
Apparently this is their 3rd year in existence (different show each year) and they have quite a following. The running time is only an hour and they do 2 performances a night (check postcard link for dates and times). This show is “kid-friendly” for those of you with young’uns.
If you go to the website link above, click on archive and you can see reviews from past shows as well as the creator’s note on how it all came to fruition.