September 26th, 2005 update. I've been getting lots of hits to this particular post so I thought I'd revisit the links to see if the Alexan had updated their website. Low and behold they have. Hence most of this post is not valid anymore. They got rid of the Lifestyle section that I bitched about and you can't link directly to the floor plans. I'm keeping my rant and rave for all to read. Just getting rid of the inactive linkage and converting them to bold.
I have to admit that up until now the Alexan Savoy hasn't been on my radar in regards to the residential boom in Downtown Los Angeles. I knew of a monolithic structure being built on the Eastern edge of Little Tokyo because of all my time spent there recently however new construction is not something that gets me excited. Seeing an older building being THAT is interesting. I know, I'm odd. However this past week I read an article about the new complex in the LA Downtown News and decided to check out their website.
Two things struck me as interesting. One good and one not so good. I'll start with the not so good. The Lifestyle section touts all the wonderful stuff nearby; restaurants, sports venues, museums, tourist get the idea. Here's what struck me as odd and a bit off-putting, of the 4 restaurants mentioned only 2 of them are located anywhere in relative close proximity. In fact one restaurant, The Bamboo House is located one very long Los Angeles block from MY apartment, which is 5.8 miles from the Alexan Savoy. Here are a few good restaurants in the more immediate area that future residents may want to consider on a regular basis. Obviously I understand the need for the powers that be to reflect a diverse interest in not only Downtown but all of Los Angeles, but isn't the whole point of all this "bringing critical mass to Downtown" to create a 24 hour city??? We should be actively encouraging new residents of Downtown to explore their new environs not run off to established haunts from their previous digs.
On a more positive note, as I was checking out the floor plans I became very interested in this circular unit. Reminds me of the Warner/Pantages a bit as every time I walk by that theatre I imagine myself living behind one of those rounded windows. Never mind the fact that the building is now a thriving Jewelry District store and it's doubtful that it will ever convert to housing but a girl can dream can't she? But I digress, it is because of that innovative unit and the fact that they claim to have Gas appliances that I will have a look when it's open and available for viewing.