First, what has Hee Sop Choi been eating for breakfast these days? All of a sudden he's Mr. Home Run man. I hope it keeps up however I must admit at having not much confidence in his ability to sustain such hitting prowess.
Second, I like Jeff Weaver. I really do. And I would really like to see him win more. If he could just get out of his head and out of the 5th maybe he'd have a chance at a winning record. Only time will tell.
And last but not boy Gagne. Grrr. I love him. REALLY love him, and now I'm hearing reports that he's going back on the DL for his elbow. Not good. Then again, it's not like he's been needed as often as he was a year ago and Brazoban seems to be able to handle the duties bequeathed to him in these instances. I just hope to see Monsieur Gagne back to his old self sometime soon, real soon.