Since I promised a more thorough breakdown of my San Francisco holiday, and someone isn't letting me off the hook that easily with my original post, here's the (nearly) hour-by-hour events that took place. Times are an estimate:
1:30pm - on the way to Long Beach International Airport. I notice traffic on the 5 South is fierce. Time to make a phone call to Greta at the office and ask her to check because 980 & 1070 are having no mention of this potential muck-up. She says the 110 South looks like a much better option, just in the nick of time I transition to the 110.
2:00pm - call Greta to give her a big THANK YOU for saving my ass. I'm in the LBC with more than enough time to spare.
3:30pm - board plane. I HEART Jet Blue. I HEART Long Beach Airport.
5:30pm - land at OAK. $2 gets me to the Oakland Airport BART Station where I grab a train to Downtown Berkeley.
7:00pm - arrive in room at Hotel Shattuck Plaza, quite literally steps from the BART station exit and 2 blocks from my destination for the evening...Berkeley Rep. A quick change of clothes, powder my nose and I'm off.
10:30pm - "oh this Downtown!" Adrianna, Herbert, Carlos and I arrive at the RESTAURANT called Downtown for drinks, food and lively conversation.
12:30am - drop off H & A and C & I go grab a drink at a more "neighborhoodie" bar.
2:00am+ - goodnight
SATURDAY (OK, technically Saturday has already happened, play along with me)
8:00am - "gee, I'm hungry and thirsty..." I get up, put pink rubber boots on and head downstairs and ask front deskman on recommendation for breakfast. He says same place Herbert recommends the night before. It's settled. I can't remember the name of it was good though.
9:15am - nap until 11:20
12:00pm - checkout
1:00pm - arrive at Chriss' apartment in Pacific Heights.
2:00pm - walk downtown, laughing hysterically the entire way
3:30pm - time to refuel. we had spotted Red Door Cafe on the walk to downtown and decided to try it on the way back. They make a mean cup of coffee (latte) and have great salads. we eat and chill out, taking it all in.
5:00pm - arrive back at Chriss' and watch "chick flick" Ever After. hey, it's Drew Barrymore.
8:00pm - walk to dinner. great Vietnamese restaurant Chriss' goes to often. I agree on it's greatness.
9:00pm - bus it to Pop's 3rd Anniversary party where Carlos is awaiting our arrival with a spot by the door.
12:00am - change of scenery is needed, we head to another bar in Nob Hill. Forgive me, I can't remember all the names of the places we went...
2:00am - goodnight
8:30am - "I'm hungry." good thing Chriss is too.
9:15am - Crepes it is, for Chriss. I get eggs.
10:15am - vegetate and begin digestion process.
12:30pm - Carlos picks me up and we take the scenic route to OAK. I got a fantastic tour of parts south of "the City" I'd only heard of in songs from the '60's. "Do you know the way to San Jose." Chillin' in the car, listening to good chill out music and enjoying the sights.
3:30pm - arrive at OAK for flight home.
There you have it. My super splendid weekend in a nutshell!!!