Last night I was hanging with some theatre geeks watching some awards show on TV when all of a sudden this voice in the corner says "Let's go bowling." My ears perked up a bit and I was smitten. After much ado about nothing a few of us finally made it to a bowling alley nearby - Mar Vista Lanes, where they close promptly at 10:30 and don't care about refunding money for frames not played but will gladly sell them to you with no hesitation. We (Q, Dick, Sweet Onions and Der Berzerk) were unstoppable. Actually Dick was the big weiner winner bowling a sweet 172, consisting of approximately 9 spares. As the bowling attendant said "it's not about the strikes, it's about cleaning up the mess you left behind." Well said my friend, well said. My only revelation for the night was that you should hold your beer in your left hand so as to cut down on the clammy hand syndrome with the ball. I also sustained a slight injury, a strained left buttock. It's OK though, I received prompt medical attention.
Afterwards we decided to switch out big balls for smaller ones, heading back over to our side of town for some pool at The Whitehorse.
What I thought was going to be a so-so day turned out to be one insane blast with an old friend and 2 new ones alike. One wonders, is this what happens every time this trio of kids hang out?? Too bad they all live in separate states. Or maybe that's a good thing. Thanks for the memories.