This past Friday night I was a busy little worker bee at Tom Bergin's. I showed up at 6:30pm and after settling into all the confusion finally made my way to the back entrance where I was slated to assist Big D in the seating of customers for the restaurant. All was going relatively well until Big D handed me the clipboard and said "You take over, I'm needed up front." That of course was primetime for hungry revelers to decide they wanted to make dinner reservations and for the following hour and a half I had my hands full. Why is it that people think on St. Pat's Day, in an Irish pub, things will happen in a normal time frame?
After the insanity had died down in the restaurant, I went inside and alternately manned the managers nook with Corine and chatted up some boys from NY.
Overall it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Granted I didn't try to go anywhere near the bar and I was stationed outside for a good 3 hours so maybe my assessment of the madness is a bit skewed. Whatever the case, I had a great time and hope to be asked back again next year where I will emphatically say "yes!"