6/13/06 update.
pictures are finally up. Enjoy!
Last evening we held the 2nd annual Tom Bergins Blue/Brew Crew outing to Dodger Stadium. 30 of us strong and ready for some good Dodgers action with a few Mets fans thrown in just to keep things interesting, we arrived at the stadium at various intervals. Our carload decided to turn on KFWB as we were heading down Sunset nearing the stadium and by the time we had pulled into the parking lot the score was already 4-0, Mets on top. Joy.
As we made it to our seats by the top of the 2nd the Dodgers had answered back with one run. At some point shortly thereafter someone in our group actually spotted our group name on the Scoreboard. Sadly no one else did even after eyeing that damn thing at every inning break. One of the joys of coordinating 29 of your closest friends to join you at Dodger Stadium is getting to see your name in bright lights. We got gypped. Goldstar, yeah, they were there…saw that one come up numerous times as well as JPL, Girls in Black and a host of other groups. Not us though. Oh well. At least WE knew we were there.
Back to the scoring fest. The Dodgers were able to tie things up and it was 5 all through the 3rd inning. Then the Mets scored a few more and the Dodgers were never able to get any momentum back eventually losing 7-9. They lost something else this morning as well, a Canadian who goes by the name of Gagne. Yes, his elbow has some swelling from the Tuesday night outing and he’s gonna take it easy for the next week. Why oh why do I sense the worst in his ability to do the great things like he used to? At least I have my memories.
All in all everyone had a good time I believe. I got kudos for a job well done in coordinating the adventure however I must give props to my co-organizer EA, without whom I never would have been able to complete this project. And yes, I did take some pictures however I won’t be able to upload them until I don’t know when. My computer situation is not like it used to be. Also, the lighting situation at the stadium left a little something to be desired…unfortunately we were sitting under an overhang from the top deck so there were no bright stadium lights to make us look purty and I was forced to photograph in sepia….but that’s my own hang up.
Oh yeah, one of the highlights of my night was receiving a fabulous mini-size pink bat that I’ve been coveting for quite some time. Thank you.