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« A Taste of 'Gina | Main | pick one color.....please »

October 15, 2007


Don Garza


I always think I don't need to get those utensils with the big plastic handles, and then when I see photos like this , with pasta sauce all over my shirt, I think maybe I will get a set real soon.

Benjamin Pezzillo


Thanks for sharing the photographs.

Yes Don, you may want to try tucking your napkin bib-like into your shirt collar -- it's what I do when I eat pasta.



looks like you all had a good time!! (we've been away to WDW so we missed it) but hey.. there's another 'Gina opening up on Hope St. side of Ralph's and the Market Lofts.. The permanent sign is up anyway. ;)

I didn't notice the sauce on Don til he commented on it. *grin* Everyone looks so happy to be eating at 'gina.

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