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February 10, 2008



Thanks for hosting a great walk. I'm finally finished editing and posting my photos. They're up at

I'll blog about the walk after I get some sleep.


Here's a little more info on that mysterious house on Lake Street.


thanks for the info on the Lake Street house! i was only able to come up with the name and year built. i can't believe it was done by john parkinson - he's done soooo many buildings around town and i speak of him often on all my tours. crazy!


saw you on metroblogging...can my gf and I go on the next walk? I'll bring snacks.


sure thing. my walks are open to all. something similar to this will happen next year around the 2nd sunday in february.

also, i'll be doing the Bridge Walk again but altering the route a bit to include Hollenbeck Park. more details later this week.


I was so intrigued by this neighborhood after viewing your pics that I drove over there to check it out (I live in the Eastern Columbia). What a gem of a neighborhood. The architecture is just so beautiful and it really looks like a neighborhood on the rebound. Is it? It seems like a lot of buildings have been renovated. Is it considered Koreatown? It looks like a mix of nationalities. Tell me more about James M. Wood Blvd. It really seems very historic...and most of the buildings are survivors.


Great to see that wilshire center is starting to revitalize. James M. Wood is the next hot neighborhood.

l.a. dweller

here is a link to an two level apartment for rent in the french chateau: check it out

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