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July 27, 2008


the daniel

Hmm, I went to the last 3 or 4 tofu festivals and observed a slide in quality, each fest interesting me less and less each year, so I'm not too surprised it has gone away. I do however enjoy my tofu cookbook from the fest 2 years ago...


i have that cookbook too!! it's a great treasure.

i think that it was a combo of losing the parking lot and the organizers just not wanting to do it anymore,can you blame them? such a huge undertaking. at least we have our memories.

militant angeleno

The Tofu Festival was a victim of its own success. Many people are not aware that the purpose of the festival was to raise money for the non-profit LTSC. but after it grew exponentially, especially in the past few years, the overhead costs to put it on eventually outweighed the net funds to be raised.


Oh man! Too bad. The best part about the tofu fest for me foodwise were the soy shaved-ice cones with that sweet tofu syrup--it helped beat the heat!

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